Designed By Soldiers - For Soldiers

LC Rifle Sling

Rating: Not Rated Yet
49,95 €



This sling is made for comfort and to be easy adjusted, the adjustment is always in front on the same place. If you need to have your rifle on the back for working etc, put the rifle on your back and pull the D-Ring.
We recommend that you first tighten the sling adjuster 70% and then attach it in front and back. For back attachment if you can, attach it on the outside of the buttstock. When you have adjusted the sling for correct length (standing and laying), it will now be very easy to change shoulder if needed. Pull the sling adjuster forward and change shoulder, simple as that.
The whole trick is to have the sling on the outside of the buttstock and an easy sling adjuster. No need for fancy metal parts all over the sling.
Stiff sling adjuster for better working with gloves.
5mm padded.
Approx 60gr.

Watch video in Specifications.




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